martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

MI APELLIDO (based on michelle_anula's )

CLO: I can discover famous people with my last name, their country of origin and their most important activities with a specialized website and Spanish Speaking countries’s maps.

On the meantime, I will call you to take the oral assessment for the district.

1)Copy and paste this entry on a word document
2)Follow instructions

Investigación del Apellido
Objective: Students are encouraged to compare and contrast their last names to famous characters. They discover patterns, make predictions, and analyze similarities and differences across languages and cultures, including a trip through their ancestors. Students can understand their native language and culture better through such comparisons.

CLO: I can discover famous people with my last name, their country of origin and their most important activities with a specialized website and Spanish Speaking countries’s maps.

1.       Most Hispanic apellidos come from Spain.  Which region of Spain does your apellido come from? Search (solo en español pero muy buena porque hay escudos (your family shield!!)

Region of Spain where my apellido is from_____________________________________

Quick sketch of a map of Spain, and my region’s location. Look up the region, draw in on and click "share it". Then paste the link here.

2.       Now do a Google search for your apellido.  Which famous Hispanics share your apellido?
Why are these people/this person famous?
Which city and country is this person from?

3.      ¿Por qué es importante? Record some biographical information regarding the famous person who shares your apellido.  (If there is more than one, choose one person to research.)  Write down the source of your information – Wikipedia does not count!  You need to gather information from at least 3 sources.
Biographical Information
Source/Web page
Date Accessed
Nombre y Apellido

Fecha de nacimiento (birth)

Fecha de muerte (death)




What was his/her life like?

Other Notable Information

Map of_____________
4.       Draw a quick sketch of the persons’ country. Same tool as 1.

5.       If your person is an artist, find a painting and draw a quick sketch, then write your impressions.  If your person is a writer, read an excerpt of something she or he wrote.  Copy the excerpt (and cite), then write your impressions.  If your person is an athlete, find something notable that that person did (i.e. setting a record) and explain why this is important.  If your person is involved in politics, explain what legacy this person left behind.